New Energy—Imagining 2021

A "hellscape," and a "painful education"—these are some of the descriptions of 2020 by Seattle-area residents, now eager to move on—who were interviewed for a portrait project this fall. Participants were photographed in their homes, small businesses, and in green spaces that they frequented for self-care and reflection. As a follow up, they were asked two simple questions: to summarize the year that is nearly behind us, and to envision what they hoped to see in the new year, ranging anywhere from small, personal things to expectations on a neighborhood or even global level.

While the pain and loss endured in the past year cannot simply be swept away, there's an noticeable level of positivity leading into 2021, albeit one tempered by a degree of weariness. Erin Murphy, a mother of two in South Park, described it as, "Exciting whilst simultaneously petrifying. New Years are always so refreshing and exciting...2020 has taught me that there’s two sides of the 'anything is possible' coin."


Erin Murphy - Mom, and her daughters, T.T. - First-grader, and Abby - Sixth-grader

2020, in 5 words or less: Hero’s journey, road of trials

What do you hope for or want in 2021? T.T.: I want the Coronavirus to be over and I want a puppy. 

Abby: A puppy. Go to Disneyland. Make Beef Wellington. Try Beef Wellington.

Erin: I hope to see people’s faces at the grocery store again. I would love to see my kids play with kids they don’t know in a public park again. I really hope hugs are back. I miss hugs. I hope there’s less fear.

Vanessa Ronquillo - Content Strategy Manager, Plus Size Model, Makeup Artist

2020, in 5 words or less: Disruptive, resilient, surprising, and self-aware

What do you hope for or want in 2021? I want to travel again and have new adventures. Travel is a privilege that I will never take for granted. I have lived all over the world and I miss going back to the places I’ve considered home like the Philippines and Japan. I especially miss my relatives in the Philippines and sadly lost my grandma this year during the month we had planned our family trip to celebrate her birthday. In 2021, I want to be able to go back to the Philippines and pay my respects with my family even if we’re too late to celebrate her life with her.

Kirsten Harris-Talley - State Representative-elect for Washington State's 37th Legislative District, Pos 2

2020, in 5 words or less: Truth, unavoidable and transformative

What do you hope for or want in 2021? I want the promise of generations of activism for healing, and care, and justice to be won. I want us to acknowledge how many people are hurting, and how much each of us can do - take action on - to make each others' lives better. I want us all to grieve what we need to let go of, and feel our feelings fully. So we can embrace the change we are making together. I want rest. And for those of us who are resilient and too often ignored, to have all we need and give to others as much as we can.

Michael John Welke - Designer @Poietic, Musician, Father, Husband

2020, in 5 words or less: Pleasure mixed with pain

What do you hope for or want in 2021? I hope to continue the practice of getting to know myself. Through this practice, I hope to continue letting go of the myriad of negative self feelings that I built up over the years of living in the closet. I want to afford my body as much positive energy as I can. Oh, and I also want to go dancing with my husband and friends as often as possible.

Miki Sodos - Co-owner of Cafe Pettirosso, Bang Bang Cafe and Bang Bang Kitchen

2020, in 5 words or less: Dumpster fire

What do you hope for or want in 2021? This last year has brought me so much immeasurable struggle both professionally and personally. I have a hard time thinking about my personal hopes in too much depth because the last year has been so destructive for my life. I mainly focus on taking one step at a time to keep my sanity. Regarding my hopes for next year though, my thoughts lean towards society on a larger scale and how my movements might help in positive forward momentum. The George Floyd protests, the election and Covid-19 have spotlighted the racism, elitism, classism that are ingrained in our culture. I am glad that this country is finally aware that blue collar workers and independent businesses are essential to the proper functioning of our society. I am glad that people can see the power of their vote and the importance of their voice. With all the issues that were brought to the general populations awareness in 2020 I hope we embrace the facts and start correcting them. I can only hope that in 2021 humanity becomes more compassionate, and we take this painful education received and use it to make a more just society.

Amy - Designer, Shawn - Geologist

2020, in 5 words or less: Supporting local communities and businesses

What do you hope for or want in 2021? Amy: I want the City of Seattle to value the lives of my community members in the same ways that they value my life. I think Seattle can lead the way for the entire US in centering the voices of marginalized people.

Shawn: I hope that people continue to see the value in supporting local businesses as means to creating strong communities, in Seattle as well as globally. I hope that when we finally get through the pandemic, the small restaurants, book shops, music stores, etc. that we love are still with us.


Carol Guess - Writer

2020, in 5 words or less: Fascist chaotic hellscape

What do you hope for or want in 2021? I hope that the current wave of progressive activism and organizing continues, directed toward social justice, equity, and inclusion. I want to see justice done to Trump, his entire administration, and the enablers who kept him in power. On an individual level, my goal is to finish the short story manuscript I'm working on and pass it along to my agent. This creative project fuels my days right now.

Larisa Hauser – Owner/Founder, Hauser Consulting Services (construction, operations, risk management)

2020, in 5 words or less: Surprising, challenging, heartbreaking, transformative, reaffirming

What do you hope for or want in 2021? I hope to see the world embrace changes that we need as a global family. I want to see us grow together, heal the earth, be kinder to each other. I want us to love life on this amazing planet. Personally, I want to re-learn how to care for myself so I can care for others. I want to continue to grow and be open to ideas outside of my comfort zone. I want to add healthy habits and something fun every day. I will strive to be a better person in 2021.

Emily Coulter - Teacher, Ryan Harrison - Estate Manager

2020, in 5 words or less: Unplanned, inequity, creativity, relentless, teamwork

What do you hope for or want in 2021? Emily: I hope that we can begin to safely navigate communal spaces without fear. As we come back to our school buildings, we must not be obliged to “return to normal.” Rather, it’s imperative we build together and with urgency a community that actually values and nurtures each student and their families. A community where inequities and racist systems are broken down. As we move forward, I wish for us all to find joy, no matter how small, on a regular basis.

Ryan: Mulling details matter less than execution in the right direction. Failure and fault will happen as we determine what form our future or craft takes. There is beauty on the other side. This is what I’ve told myself and largely ignored over much of my adult life. Maybe I’m seeing this now in society’s unwillingness to step outside ourselves and invite change in a direction which we know we are capable. The process is messy and not yet fully understood. I want us to envision the beauty, concentrate our efforts in the right direction, and see what happens in 2021.

Sue Schack Jensen - Retired, Ron Jensen - Tax Analyst

2020 in 5 words or less: Fear, isolation, routine, calm, acceptance

What do you hope for or want in 2021? Sue: I would like to visit with my kids and grandkids without concern. I would like to see integrity returned to democracy. I would like to see the United States reunited and any name calling to stop. I would like to see Covid-19 under control and no more deaths from it. 

Ron: I hope and pray that safe face-to-face gatherings can return in the coming year and for a city, nation, and world less polarized. The solitude of 2020 has been hard, but it also provided time to reflect. My hope for everyone is that the hardships of 2020 will produce wonderful fruit in 2021.


How to Stay Put